A new year hath come, and so are our new creations!
From a traditional flavour spin off, to a new fangled creation… We are starting off this new year with delightful surprises left and right already!
We have a lot more exciting news jus around the corner that we cannot share yet, stay tuned to our instagram @BellaGelateria for all the latest deets!

Honey Butter Lavender
We infuse real Lavender buds or flowers from the provence region in France into our milk base, before adding a mixture of honey and butter. Using butter as the fat base for this gelato retains the creaminess of gelato but gives it a slightly denser texture that is unique to this special batch of gelato!

Fior Di Sale/ Vancouver Sea Salt
Translating to “the flower/ blooming of salt” in Italian, our own spin off of the classic Fior di latte flavour. We simply take our slightly sweetened milk base, and add Vancouver island sea salt to taste. A true delight for gelato and ice cream purists!
Visit Us Today :
📍 Bella Howe – 625 Howe St, Vancouver
📍 Bella English Bay – 1752 Davie St, Vancouver
📍 Bella Robson – 1301 Robson St, Vancouver
📍 Bella Brentwood – 4567 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby
📍 Bella Metrotown – 4500 Kingsway Ave, Burnaby